Home > Cause and Effect Diagram Procedures

Cause and Effect Diagram Procedures


The easiest way to edit a Cause and Effect diagram is to start with a Cause and Effect diagram type and edit it to create your own diagram. iGrafx provides a generic Cause and Effect diagram, Cause and Effect (Manufacturing), and Cause and Effect (Transactional) diagrams.



Display a summary of sub-cause errors

On the Cause and Effect menu, choose Rollup Errors.


Right-click in the Cause and Effect window and choose Rollup Errors.

Add an arrow using the draw tool

  1. On the Toolbox toolbar, click the causeandeffect_selection.bmp tool, then click and drag in the diagram.

  2. For a cause or sub-cause, drag the cursor until it intersects the arrow to which it is subordinate.

  3. At the cursor, type a label for the new arrow.

Add an arrow using the Cause and Effect window

  1. Click the cause or effect to which you want to add a sub-cause.

  2. On the Cause and Effect toolbar, click the cande_insertrowtool.bmp tool or, on the Cause and Effect menu, choose Add Cause.

  3. In the Cause and Effect window, type the label for the arrow.

  4. Click the corresponding area in the #Errors column and type the number of errors for the entry.

Manually position the text

Click and drag the text in the cause and effect diagram.

To automatically reposition the text, on the Cause and Effect menu, choose Layout Diagram.

Redraw a cause and effect diagram

On the Cause and Effect menu, choose Layout Diagram.

Any manual positioning is lost when you use this command.

Delete an arrow

On the Toolbox toolbar, click the selector_tool.bmp tool, then click the arrow and press the Delete key.


In the Cause and Effect window, click the row and press the Delete key.

If you remove an arrow with subordinate arrows, all arrows and corresponding entries are deleted.

Add descriptive text

On the Toolbox toolbar, click the text_tool.bmp tool, click in the diagram, and type the new text.

Change labels

On the Toolbox toolbar, click the selector_tool00001.bmp tool, then double-click the label and type new text.


In the Cause and Effect window, double-click the label and type new text

Add a Pareto chart to the diagram

On the Cause and Effect menu. choose Insert Pareto Chart.

The chart appears below the diagram.

Print the Cause and Effect window

On the Cause and Effect menu. choose Print Cause and Effect Window.

Export to FMEA component in iGrafx

To automatically show occurrence rankings in the FMEA, in the Cause and Effect window, enter a value for Sample and make sure causes show a number of errors. See FMEA Risk Priority Ranking Reference for details.

  1. On the Cause and Effect menu, choose Export FMEA Sheet.

  2. You can also right-click in the Cause and Effect window and choose this command.

  3. Enter the name of the new FMEA diagram component or choose an existing FMEA to add diagram data, then click OK.

Import FMEA data

  1. In the FMEA diagram component, change a cell value such as the name of a potential cause.

  2. Click the small arrow in the same row to jump to the Cause and Effect diagram.

Any data changes appear in the Cause and Effect diagram.

Related Topics

Cause and Effect Example

Create a Cause and Effect Diagram


Overview Topics

Analyze Data with Cause and Effect Diagrams