Home > Collaboration Procedures and Reference > Cycle Management for Cycle Initiators > Start and Stop a Review, Approval, or Endorsement Cycle

Start and Stop a Review, Approval, or Endorsement Cycle

After the user list is defined and an Approval cycle has started, no one can check out or modify the item until the cycle is complete. However, items can be checked in and out during Review and Endorsement cycles.

Review cycles apply to the current version.

Endorsement cycles apply to the latest approved version.

  1. In the Repository window, select the repository item.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Cycles and choose Manage.

  3. In the Manage Cycles dialog box, select the Cycle Type.

  4. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Start a cycle

Click the Start button.

In the repository window, a yellow circle indicates documents In-Process for approval.


Stop a cycle

Click the Stop button.

Only the user who started the cycle or the Administrator can cancel a cycle before an item has received the required number of votes, even after a user has reviewed, approved, or endorsed the item.

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Cycle Management for Cycle Initiators

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Cycle Groups

Set Cycle Management Parameters for Users and Groups