Home > Collaboration Procedures and Reference > Cycle Management for Cycle Initiators > Schedule Cycle Actions

Schedule Cycle Actions

You can schedule cycles in advance, to start automatically or manually, based on a frequency that you define. A report is available showing all scheduled cycles within the repository.

You can receive email notification automatically when a scheduled cycle is about to begin. Your administrator must set up email notification as explained in the iGrafx platform Help to enable this feature.

You must be a document owner or have Modify permission to schedule a cycle on a document. You must have View permission to view a scheduled cycle. Only Administrators can edit schedules defined by another user.

To create or modify a cycle schedule:

  1. In the Repository window, select the repository item.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Cycles and choose Manage.

  3. Click the Schedule button.

  4. Click the tab for the type of cycle you want to schedule; either Review, Approval, or Endorsement.

  5. Choose the parameters as explained in the Setup Scheduling dialog box help.

  6. Click OK, to finish scheduling the cycle.

  7. Click Close, to close the Manage Cycles dialog box.


Related Topics

Setup Scheduling dialog box

Cycle Management for Cycle Initiators