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Cycle Management for Users and Groups with Actions Required

When a repository user initiates a Review cycle, Approval cycle, or Endorsement cycle and includes you as an individual or member of a group required to take action, your To-Do list displays any actions required. You may also receive an email notification from the cycle initiator.

As part of a cycle, you may Annotate a Document. A Review, Approval, or Endorsement action may include your Digital Signature.

To verify action you took on an item, see View Action History.



See what documents need your action

On the Repositories menu, point to Cycles and choose one of the following:

  • Review To-Do List

  • Approval To-Do List

  • Endorsement To-Do List

Items appear on a To-Do tab in the query window. You can right-click an item to see a menu of options for particular tasks.

If you have subscribed to email notification, you may also receive an email about new items on your To-Do list.

Review, approve, or endorse an item

On the Repositories menu, point to Cycles and choose one of the following:

  • Review

  • Approval Vote

  • Endorse

Your action is logged when you click OK.