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Annotate a Document

You can use annotations as a company-wide method for documenting changes, updates, and other messaging at a document or shape level. Annotations may accompany any cycle.

You must have Annotator rights to add or edit annotations.



Add an annotation

  1. In the Repository window, right-click the document and choose View Current Version.

  2. On the Insert menu, choose Annotation.

  3. The cursor changes to the annotation pointer pc_annotation_cursor.bmp.

  4. Click near a shape and enter text in the Annotation dialog box.

  • To attach the annotation to a shape, click and drag from the annotation into a shape and back out again.

  • To detach an annotation from a shape, click and drag the annotation and, while still holding down the left mouse button, press and release the Shift key.

View annotations

On the View menu, choose Annotations to show or hide annotation icons.

Edit an annotation

You can only edit the text of annotations you authored.

  1. Double-click the annotation icon.

  2. In the Annotations dialog box, click the Edit Text button and type the new text.

Delete an annotation

If you have Modify rights, you can delete any existing annotations. If you have Annotator rights, you can delete your own annotations.

  1. Double-click the annotation icon.

  2. In the Annotations dialog box, click the Delete button or the Delete All button.

If you delete a shape containing an annotation, the annotation remains in the document and must be deleted separately.

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