Home > Generators dialog box- Setup tab

Generators dialog box- Setup tab

Available from the Model menu, the Generators button on the Model toolbar, the Generators button on the Properties dialog box - Inputs page, the Scenario window, and from the View menu’s ‘More Windows’ menu.



Process Start Point

A generator corresponds to only one start activity, but a start activity correspond to many generators.

Choose the process name and the name of a starting point in that process. A start point corresponds to an activity that has a named start point on the Properties dialog box - Inputs page.


Determines whether transactions are generated during simulation.

Make the generator inactive for what-if investigations and model analysis.

Max Transactions

Sets the maximum number of transactions that are generated during the simulation. Can be an expression evaluated at each generation time.

Stop After

Sets a period of time (from simulation start time) after which no more transactions are to be generated.


Specifies that the generator stops only after both Max Transactions and Stop After conditions are true. Otherwise, the generator stops when the first condition is true.

Delayed Start

Sets a period of time (from simulation start time) after which transactions begin generating.

Limited Schedule

Choose the schedule for the generator. A generator issues transactions only during active time in the schedule. (Not available for Event generators or when simulating in compressed mode).

Suppress Transactions When Expression Is False (Or Zero)

Specify an expression that commands the generator to generate transactions. The generator only introduces transactions into the process if the result of the expression is True (or Non-Zero).

Generator Options



Transaction Count

For Completion, Interarrival, Event, and Attribute Change generators. Values can be expressions that are evaluated at each generation.

  • Transaction Count Each Generation - The number of transactions introduced at each generation.

    For an Interarrival generator, sets the number of transactions introduced at each interarrival period.

  • Different Initial Count - Sets the number of transactions to be introduced at the first generation if this number is different from the number specified in Transaction Count Each Generation.

Generate when resource becomes free

For Demand generators, select the type of resource that must be available for the generator to introduce transactions.

Interarrival Time

For Interarrival generators.

  • Constant - Generations are at a constant interval, such as every 10 minutes.

  • Distributed - The time between generations is varied over a distribution, such as uniformly distributed every 5 to 10 minutes.

  • Expression - Generations are distributed at a time interval determined at each generation by the value of an expression, such as an exponential distribution around a mean of 5 minutes plus 10 minutes.

Force into active time - Generates a complete set of transactions even if part of a generation period falls into an inactive period of the selected schedule. If the whole generation period is inside an inactive period, no transactions are generated.


for Interarrival and Timetable generators, specify how total transactions set by the Transaction Count are distributed over each interarrival period or time interval.

  • All at Start - Introduces all transactions at the beginning of the interarrival period or time interval.

  • Evenly - Introduces transactions at uniform intervals over the interarrival period or time interval.

  • Random -Introduces transactions at random intervals during the interarrival period or time interval.

Generate when this event occurs

For Event generators, define a point in time to generate transactions. See Events for information on defining an event.


For Timetable generators, specify the number of transactions introduced at various time intervals. Click the Modify Timetable button to set parameters

  • Total Span - The total period of time covered by the timetable.

  • Time Resolution - The amount of time between each interval.


Multiply the number of transactions for an interval by this value to specify the number of transactions introduced in the interval. Can be an expression that is evaluated at each generation.

Generate when Scenario Attribute

For Attribute Change generators, select a defined scenario attribute defined using the Define Attributes dialog box.

Generates transactions whenever the selected scenario attribute is modified by some transaction in process.

  • Increases–The value of the scenario attribute increases.

  • Decreases–The value of the scenario attribute decreases.

  • Changes–The value of the scenario attribute increases or decreases.

  • Assigned–A value is assigned to the scenario attribute, regardless of whether this value is changed.

  • Copy attributes from triggering transaction–The attribute of the newly generated transaction has the same attribute value or values as the transaction that triggers the attribute change.