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Shortcuts for Working with Files

The following shortcuts are for commands available on the File menu and some of the toolbar menus. See the File menu for a complete list of commands and shortcuts. The shortcut letter is underscored in the menu.

Create New Document with a Diagram

Use Ctrl+N to create a new document with a specific type of diagram.

Publish Documents

When you publish documents using a keyboard shortcut, the key sequence always begins with Alt+F,I. The last letter is mapped to the output format. For example, Alt+F,I,W publishes the current document as a web page.

Insert Components Into the Document

When you insert components into a document using a keyboard shortcut, the key sequence always begins with Alt+F,E. The last letter is mapped to the type of diagram component. For example, Alt+F,E,P inserts a Process diagram component into the document.

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Keyboard Shortcuts

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