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Document Resource Updates

When a document resource is attached to an enterprise resource in the repository, some updates are triggered and some require that you click the Update button in the Define Resources dialog box. If the document is attached and stored in the repository, any time the enterprise resources change, the document offers to update the next time it is opened.

You can always manually update, which is the only way to trigger the update if the document is not stored in the repository.

When a document resource attached to the enterprise resource is updated, then objects are deleted, renamed, and added to match changes made to the enterprise resources since the last update as follows:

Objects renamed or replaced in the document include swimlane names on the diagram.

Local Resources

Document resources attached to the repository can still contain local resource objects not in the repository. A resource object that is in a document but does not appear in the repository is known as a local resource.

In the list of document resources, you can distinguish between attached enterprise resources and local resources by checking for the globe icon that corresponds to enterprise resources from the repository.

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