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Export Diagrams and Tables

Use Export Diagram to create a graphic image of your diagram. Use Export Table to extract data from your diagrams for use in other applications.



Export a diagram

On the Tools menu, choose Export Diagram, select settings, and click the Save button.

You may see another dialog box with additional options, depending on the type of diagram you choose to save as.

Export a table

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Export Table.

  2. Drag and drop fields from the list to the window at the bottom of the dialog box.

    If you are in the tabular view when you open the Export Table dialog box, the set of columns are not identical to, but contain the same data as, the visible tabular view columns.

  3. Optionally, click Save As and type a name for the fields in the Predefined Sets select box. This saves field selections as a predefined set that appears as a selection the next time you open the Export Table dialog box.

  4. Choose to save or copy fields.

  • Click the Export button to save the fields you dragged and dropped as a tab-delimited text file or XML file.

  • Click Copy to copy the fields to the clipboard for pasting into another application that recognizes tab-delimited information.

Reorder columns before exporting or copying a table

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Export Table.

  2. In the window at the bottom of the dialog box, click a column, and drag it left or right.

Modify predefined set columns before exporting or copying a table

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Export Table and choose a predefined set.

  2. Drag fields from the window at the bottom of the dialog box back to the field list, or select them and press the Delete key.

  3. Optionally, click the Save As button to save the modified set.

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