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Notes on Shapes and Causes

The Note window displays text attached to a shape in a map or on cause text in a Cause and Effect diagram. Notes are limited to 4000 characters. You can display a note as a shape field (see Shape Fields.)

  1. Click a shape and press the F6 key

  2. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Attach a note to a shape

You could also choose Note on the View menu to open the Note window.

Delete a note

Delete all the text in the note window.

View note text attached to a shape

You could also position the cursor over the note indicator to read note text displayed in a ToolTip.

If ToolTips are turned off, on the View menu, choose Note Tooltips.

Edit note text

Edit text in the note window.

Print a note

Click the Print icon in the Note toolbar (in the Note window).

Related Topics

Shapes and Lines Procedures


See Also

Add Notes, Links, and Indicators