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Manage Shapes in the Shape Library

The Shape Library is a custom collection of shapes that you can select and place in a diagram. You can use it to store shapes that you use most often.

You can create a custom graphic using the Draw tools, drag and drop it into a custom palette in your Private Media Collection, then add it to the Shape Library. For more information, see the topics on creating your own collections in the Shape Palettes help topics.

  1. On the File menu, choose Shape Library.

  2. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Add a shape to the Toolbox toolbar

In the Shape Library dialog box, select the check box by the shape you want to add.

Add a shape to the Shape Library

  1. In the Shape Library dialog box, click Add Shapes.

  2. Choose a subject from the drop-down list, click a shape, and click the Add button.

Remove a shape from the Shape Library

In the Shape Library dialog box, clear the check box by the shape you want to remove, then click the Remove button.

You cannot delete shapes that are used anywhere in the document in diagrams of the same type since each type of diagram has a shared Shape Library. Delete a shape from the diagram before you try to remove it from the Shape Library.

Duplicate a shape

In the Shape Library dialog box, select the shape you want to duplicate and click the Duplicate button.

Arrange shapes

In the Shape Library dialog box, select the shape you want to move and click the Move Up or Move Down button.

Related Topics

Edit Shapes in the Shape Library