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Graphics and Callout Lines

In iGrafx, shapes are intelligent and graphics serve as communication aids. Graphics use callout lines to connect them to shapes and other objects.


Convert a graphic to a shape by selecting the graphic and choosing the Convert to Shape command on the Arrange menu. You can also convert a shape to a graphic, but any activity data or VBA attached to the shape is lost.

Some differences between shapes and graphics are:



Place from the Toolbox toolbar or the Shape Palettes window.

Create using Draw Tool from the Draw toolbar.

Intelligent connector lines with automatic routing identify the flow.

Can be attached to connector lines, but do not use them for connection. BPMN diagrams will automatically create association lines when connecting to a graphic.

You may add simulation modeling data and VBA code to a shape.

Are simple objects.

Represent activities in a diagram or model.

Communicate additional information about the diagram or activity

Related Topics

Draw a Graphic

Manipulate Graphics

Format a Callout Line