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Publish a Document

Publishing documents is ideal for information exchange with individuals who do not have an iGrafx application installed.

You can output an iGrafx document as a web page (HTML, Java applet, or SVG), a Word document (*.doc), a presentation (*.ppt), a PDF file, or a web project. Publish as Web Page is a one-shot, non-progressive task. Use the Publish Web Project feature for documents you update and publish frequently.

In all of the publishing dialog boxes, if you check or clear a parent diagram, all of its children are checked or cleared. You can override this by holding the Shift key when clicking an item.

See the following table for Publishing procedures. You may also email an iGrafx document to share it; the procedure to email a document is also given in the table below.



Publish a file as a web page

On the File menu, point to Publish As and choose Web Page. Choose where to publish files, what components to publish, whether to output shape notes or make a local copy of linked-to files, and what format to publish in (HTML, Java, or Scalable Vector Graphics).

Note: Please see the Web Publishing Reference or the Publish as Web Page dialog box topics for more information.

Publish as a Word document

On the File menu, point to Publish As and choose Word Document.

Publish as a PowerPoint presentation

On the File menu, point to Publish As and choose PowerPoint Presentation.

The titles for your slides correspond directly to the contents of the center header in your Page Setup settings. To change this header, on the File menu, choose Page Setup and click the Header tab. The Center Section tab contains the slide heading.

Publish as a web project

On the Tools menu, choose Publish Web Project.

After you have created your initial set of published files, you can make changes and then republish them. iGrafx remembers where you have stored both the source and published files.

Update a web project (republish)

  1. On the Tools menu, choose Publish Web Project.

  2. Specify which documents to publish. Leave document check boxes selected if you have made enhancements or corrections to existing files.

  3. Click Republish.

Publish as a PDF file

On the File menu, point to Publish As and choose PDF Document.

In the PDF file, you can navigate links published from your iGrafx document.

Email an iGrafx file

On the File menu, choose Send to automatically open your email, address it, and send it with the open document attached.

iGrafx works with any MAPI email system, including Microsoft® Outlook, Microsoft® Mail, Microsoft® Exchange, and Lotus cc:Mail.

Related Topics

Publishing Limitations

Web Publishing Reference