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Repository Item Properties

These properties apply to an item in a repository. You can view, edit, and perform queries on repository item properties, such as when a document was created or last modified.



View repository item properties

In the Repository window, right-click any item and choose Properties, then click the Repository Properties page.

Edit custom repository item properties

  1. In the Repository window, click to select an item, then, click the Repositories menu, point to Item, and choose Check Out to check out the data.

  2. Make any changes you want to the item. If you want to set custom properties now, in the Repository window, right-click the item and choose Properties. Change values of the Custom Properties (they will appear as white cells) in the Item Properties dialog box.

  3. In the Repository window, click to select an item, then, click the Repositories menu, point to Item, and choose Check In. If you did not already edit Custom Properties, click the Properties button to display the Repository Item Properties dialog box, and edit any custom properties.

  4. Click OK until all dialog boxes have been closed.

See your iGrafx platform administrator about defining custom properties for a repository.

Print or copy repository item properties

In the Item Properties dialog box, Repository Properties page, right-click and choose Print Table to send the output to the printer, or choose Copy Table to copy the contents to the clipboard.

Related Topics

Change Repository Properties

See Also

Query for Repository Items