Home > Collaboration Procedures and Reference > Repository Searches and Queries > Query for Repository Items

Query for Repository Items

You can create queries that search for items in your repositories based on the value of certain properties of the item.



Define a query

On the Repositories menu, point to Queries and choose New, then use the resulting Query Builder dialog box to set query parameters.

Remove a query

In the query window, right-click the Query tab, and choose Remove.

Edit a query

In the query window, right-click the Query tab and choose Edit Query.

View query results

Query results appear in the query window and constantly update as you make changes to a repository.

Print or copy query results

In the query window, right-click an item and choose Print Table to send the output to the printer, or choose Copy Table to copy the contents to the clipboard.

Customize query results display

  1. In the query window, right-click the Query tab and choose Define Columns.

  2. In the Query Columns dialog box, select columns to add, remove, or change display order.

You can also click and drag a column heading in the query window to change its position.

Sort query results

In the query window, click a property column header.

Resize query results columns

In the query window, click and drag a column header.

Related Topics

Repository Searches and Queries

See Also

Change Repository Properties

Repository Item Properties