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Repository-level Rights

Repository-level rights are assigned to any user who has access to the current database. You must have the right "Edit Repository Rights" to assign or remove rights. Right-click on the repository name and choose Repository-Level Rights to view rights.

If you are using a SQL server, you can assign item roles and repository-level rights to Windows groups that have been added to the database. Instead of assigning rights to each user individually, you can save time assigning rights to users in the Windows group all at once.


Ability to...

Edit User Groups

Edit groups that review, endorse, or approve repository items.

Edit Roles

Edit roles for the repository.

Edit Policies

Change the administrative preferences in the Repository Properties dialog box.

Edit Repository Rights

See the Repository-Level Rights dialog box.

Repository Superuser

Do anything to all items in the database and repository. Full rights to all items in the database in addition to all rights within the repository.

Related Topics

Assign Roles and Permissions