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Pending Reminders

When you have started a cycle, you may use the Pending button on the Manage Cycles dialog box to see which users or groups have not taken action and send them an email reminder. You may also automatically remind users of pending actions on a repeating number of days that you specify. Email reminders only go to users who have not responded.

This feature requires that you have iGrafx set up for email notifications. Your administrator can refer to the iGrafx platform Help for setup instructions.

  1. On the Repositories menu, point to Cycles and choose Manage.

  2. In the Manage Cycles dialog box, click the Pending button to see who needs to take action.

  3. In the Pending dialog box, click the Send Reminders Now button if you want to send all users listed an automatic email reminder. You also have the option to set the number of days until automatic reminders are sent; sending reminders now will not affect any automatic reminders.

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