Home > Collaboration Procedures and Reference > Working with Enterprise Resources > Add Resources as Shapes and Swimlanes

Add Resources as Shapes and Swimlanes


An enterprise resource is a repository item. To modify an enterprise resource, you must have the repository permissions to do so and your administrator must have allowed editing of the enterprise resource.

You can add shapes and swimlanes to diagrams that Describe an enterprise resource. For process and BPMN diagrams, the Add Describing Shape to Diagram and Add Describing Swimlane to Diagram commands are available only for the repository the document is in or associated with. If the document is not in or associated with a repository, the menu item is available for all repositories. The first repository from which you use these commands is where the document will be associated, and thereafter it will only be available from that repository.



Modify an enterprise resource

In the Repository window, right-click a resource or folder in the Resources tree to add a new resource under it, rename it, or delete it.

  • When you delete a resource or folder, all of its children are also deleted from the repository. It is not removed from documents that use it.

  • When you rename a resource, describibg shapes and swimlanes in diagrams are updated when the diagram is viewed or checked out.

Insert resources from the resource model as shapes a diagram

  1. In the Repository window, right-click a resource.

  2. Choose Add Describing Shape to Diagram.

Note: You may also use incremental search to find a resource in the repository to use as a shape or swimlane. Simply start typing a name, and a drop-down menu will appear allowing you to choose from a list of defined organizations, or enterprise resources if the document resource is associated with a repository.

Insert resources as swimlanes in a diagram

  1. In the Repository window, right-click a resource.

  2. Choose Add Describing Swimlane to Diagram.

  3. If the resource you chose is not the parent in the resource hierarchy, choose whether to add just the resource or add the entire hierarchy.

View processes that use a managed resource

  1. In the Repository window, right-click a resource.

  2. Choose Show Where Used as Swimlane.

All process diagrams that use the selected resource appear in the query section of the repository window.

Related Topics

Working with Enterprise Resources

See Also

Activity Resource Requirements

Enterprise Objects Procedures and Reference

Overview Topics

Enterprise Resources