Home > System Defined Functions Reference > System Defined Functions Addendum > ArrayStoreToSheet



SheetName [,
RangeName or CellID = “A1” [,
RowHeadings = False [,
ColumnHeadings = False [,
RowData = False ] ] ] ] )

Return Value:

Returns the cell ID of the bottom right cell of the stored data block.


AttributeName is the name of the attribute, for example S.Sales, T.ProcTimes.

SheetName is the name of a Basic Sheet in double quotes. It must exist, i.e. must be a component of the active document.

RangeName or CellID (String, default value is “A1”). It is either the name of a defined Named Range in SheetName or a cell ID (e.g. “C3” or “E12”). These two can share the same field of this function because a Basic Sheet does not allow a range name that will be in conflict with a cell ID. Refer to function CellID() for details on cell ID. With this argument, a block of cells of the sheet are identified. If RangeName is used, no array elements will be stored outside the specified range. If CellID is used, all cells to the right and below of the specified cell are used, and new rows and columns may be appended to the existing ones for storing all the elements.

RowHeadings (Boolean, default value is False). This argument indicates whether the array element's indexes shall be stored as row headings.

ColumnHeadings (Boolean, default value is False). This argument indicates whether array element's indexes shall be stored as column headings.

RowData (Boolean, default value is False). This argument specifies whether array elements become row headings or column headings. If RowData is False, the first indexes are stored as column headings and the second indexes are stored as row headings. If RowData is True, the first indexes are stored as row headings and the second indexes are stored as column headings.