Home > Getting Started > Other Help Resources

Other Help Resources

iGrafx provides help resources for beginning to advanced users in various formats.

To access User Guides other than this Help, on the Help menu, choose Download Documentation.

Product release notes are available on the root of the installation CD.

The table below outlines where each of the Help resources are available:

These resources...

are available...

Product User Guides

Quick Reference Guides

Installation Guide

Upgrade Guide

What’s New and How-To Guide

On the Help menu, choose Download Documentation


Knowledge Base

White Papers

Quick Tours

Recorded Seminars

In English only on the iGrafx Web site.

Sample Files

iGrafx Support

Training and Consulting Services

On the iGrafx Web site.

API help

In the Visual Basic editor’s Object Browser window.

Related Topics

Getting Started

iGrafx Licensing and System Requirements