Home > Simulation Environment Procedures > Generator Reference > Generator Behavior with Limited Schedule and Suppress Transactions Expression

Generator Behavior with Limited Schedule and Suppress Transactions Expression

Generators behave differently when you specify a Limited Schedule or a Suppress Transactions expression as follows:

Generator Type

Limited Schedule Behavior

Suppress Transaction Behavior


Generation does not start at inactive time, but the generator tries again once the inactive period is over.

Generation does not start if the Suppress Transactions expression result is False, but the generator tries again once the expression result is True.

Once a generation starts, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, then that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation wait until this expression result is True.

When the generator resumes, if the previously generated transactions have completed, the generator starts over with a new generation.


Generation does not start at inactive time, but the generator tries again once the inactive period is over.

Generation does not start if the Suppress Transactions expression result is False, but the generator tries again once the expression result is True. Once a generation starts, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation are discarded.


Limited Schedules are not available for Event generators.

Generation will not start if the Suppress transactions expression result is False. The generation is discarded. If a generation is started, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation are discarded.


Spread Type: All at start

Generation does not start at inactive time, but if Force into active time is enabled, the generation starts at the first active time in the generation span.

Spread Type: All at start

Generation does not start if the Suppress Transactions expression results in False. The generation is discarded. If a generation is started, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation are discarded.

Spread Type: Evenly or Randomly

If Force into active time is enabled, all transactions are scheduled to arrive at active time in the generation span. Otherwise, transactions that are scheduled to arrive at inactive time are discarded.

Spread Type: Evenly or Randomly

Generator tests the expression for each of its arrivals. If the result is False for an arrival, only that arrival is discarded.


The Force into active time option is not available on this generator.

Spread Type: All at start

Generation does not start at inactive time.

Evenly or Randomly spread:

Transactions are discarded if they are at inactive time.

Spread Type: All at start

Generation does not start if the Suppress Transactions expression result is False. The generation is discarded. If a generation is started, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If he result is False for a transaction, that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation are discarded.

Evenly or Randomly spread:

Generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, only that transaction is discarded.

Attribute Change

Generation does not start at inactive time. The generation is discarded.

Generation does not start if the Suppress Transactions expression result is False. The generation is discarded. If a generation is started, the generator tests the expression for each of the transactions. If the result is False for a transaction, that transaction and all remaining transactions of that generation are discarded.