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Search for Text

You can search iGrafx files stored in the iGrafx repository for any text they contain. You can also search for text in non-iGrafx files if your administrator has enabled full-text search for SQL and Oracle databases in your repository.

Wildcard searches are supported, and are not case-sensitive. For example, a search for “auto* -diesel” may return all documents with the words “auto,” “automotive,” and “automobile,” but only if the word “diesel” is not in the same document.

Set Search Parameters

You can limit searches for terms in repository documents by one or more of these elements: file names, notes, swimlane names, non-iGrafx files, and other text.

  1. Click the search_in_icon.bmp button.

  2. In the Search Options dialog box, select the check box next to the items to include in the search.

  3. Click the Details button to see a list of document types in each open repository included in the search (if available).

  4. Click OK to dismiss the dialog boxes.

Search Documents

  1. In the text search box at the bottom of the Repository window, type a search term and press the Enter key to search with the settings specified in the Search Options dialog box.

  2. Click search_icon.bmp (or press the Enter key) to run the search.

Files that contain the term you entered appear in the search results box ordered by file name and name of user if the item is checked out of the repository.

See your administrator if you get unexpected results.

To remove the search results window, right-click near the search icons and choose Remove Query.

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Repository Searches and Queries