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Repository Links

Links to documents or files that are in a repository are called repository links. This includes documents containing links and the linked documents (which you can also add to the repository), and diagrams linked to another document or file in the same repository or another repository. Linked files outside the current repository do not appear in the Repository window.


A file must be checked out of the repository before you can make any changes to it.



Create an repository link

  1. Click a shape in the diagram.

  2. On the Insert menu, choose Link.

  3. In the resulting Add Link dialog box, under Link to, click the repository link. A list of open repositories appears in the Add Link dialog box. Expand the list to display documents and file names.

  4. Choose a document or file name.

You must check in the diagram to see the link in the repository window.

Navigate diagram links in a repository

In the Repository window, right-click a link icon and choose Follow Shortcut, or double-click a link icon.

Links to Other Diagrams

iGrafx displays links between iGrafx diagrams as Parent-Child links.


The Repository window shows a link between the Process1 and Process2 diagrams.

Links to Files

iGrafx displays links between iGrafx diagrams and other files using a Linked From Diagrams folder and a Linked To Files folder.


The Repository window shows a link between the Process1 diagram and Improvements.doc file.

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Collaboration Procedures and Reference