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Repository Item Versions

The iGrafx platform lets you create and retrieve multiple versions of a document through its version and history features.

Labels provide a meaningful name to a version of a document and apply to all diagrams and components of a document.



View item history

In the Repository window, right-click an item and choose History.

Print or copy item history

In the History dialog box, right-click and choose Print Table to send the output to the printer, or choose Copy Table to copy the contents to the clipboard.

Create a new version of a document or component

Check out the original document, make your changes, and check the document back into the repository.

Create a new version based on an older version

  1. Check out the document. This is always the current version.

  2. In the Repository window, right-click the checked out document and choose History.

  3. In the resulting History dialog box, click the earlier version desired for check out, then click the View button.

  4. Click OK to replace the current version, then make changes and check in the document.

    The prior current version is not affected or replaced, but the newly checked in version based on the earlier version becomes the current version.

View a labeled repository item or an earlier version of a repository item

  1. In the Repository window, right-click a document and choose History.

  2. In the History dialog box, choose a document version and click the View button.

    Versions acquired using View are locked and cannot be modified.

Assign version labels to repository items

In the repository window, right-click a document and choose Label Current Version.


  1. In the Repository window, right-click a document and choose History.

  2. In the History dialog box, click the version of an item to be labeled, click Label, and enter a new name in the resulting Label dialog box.

If you type a label that is already used by another version, you are given the option of assigning the label to the new version. This is a convenient method for moving a label from one version to another.

Delete a label

  1. In the Repository window, right-click a document and choose History.

  2. In the History dialog box, click the labeled version to be deleted, then click the Delete Label button.

Move a version label to another version

In the Repository window, right-click the document that has the label you want to move, and choose Label Current Version.

Assign the label to the new version.

Revert to an earlier version

  1. Check out the document you want to roll back.

  2. Close the document window and leave the item checked out.

  3. Right-click the item in the Repository window and choose History.

  4. In the History dialog box, double-click the version you want.

  5. Click OK to overwrite the checked-out item.

  6. Check in the current version.

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Manage Repository Items