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Copy and Share Repository Items

You may re-use diagrams from iGrafx documents in your repository, either by copying or by sharing into the active (checked out) document. Use sharing when you want only one version of the diagram to exist; changing the diagram will change if for every document that references it. This can be useful for simulation, where you want to merge files together into a single document that may be simulated.

To copy or share a diagram into the active document:

  1. Check out a document from a repository. The checked out document is the destination document for the item to be copied or shared.

  2. Choose a task below and follow the procedure.



Copy an item to a repository document

  1. In the Repository window, click a diagram from another document to be copied into the destination document.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Item and choose Copy Into Active Document.

  3. Make your edits as desired. These edits will not affect the original diagram; you have made a separate copy of it.

  4. Check the document into the repository.

The copied item appears in the Repository window under the document icon.

Share an item between repository documents

  1. In the Repository window, click an item from another document to be shared with the destination document.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Item and choose Share Into Active Document.

  3. If you make edits to the shared diagram, it will affect the original; they are the same diagram.

  4. Check the document into the repository.

The shared diagram now has multiple parents, so a link list called Parent Documents appears in the Repository window under the shared item. The ‘Primary’ parent document is indicated by a blue circle, and indicates it is the "owner" document, which can set the rights on the document. The primary document is the one where cycles can be used. For example, if you approve the primary document, the diagram will be approved. If you approve the document that is not the primary owner, the diagram will not be approved. You may change the ‘Primary’ parent by right-clicking on the document that is not the primary and choosing Set Primary Document.

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Manage Repository Items