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Add and Remove Repository Items



Add a document to the repository


  1. In the Repository window, right-click a repository or folder icon and choose a document to add.

  2. If you want to change the document’s custom properties, click the Properties button.

The Properties button appears only if the Repository has custom properties (defined on the Custom Properties page). For more information, see the iGrafx platform Help.

Remove a document from a repository

This procedure deletes the document and all of its components from the repository database.

  1. In the Repository window, click the document icon to select it.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Item and choose Delete From Repository.

Add an external file to a repository

You can also add external files to a repository when you add a document containing links to external files.

  1. On the Repositories menu, point to Add to Repository and choose External File.

  2. In the Add External File dialog box, locate the file or type a file name and file type.

Add multiple files to a repository

  1. In the Repository window, click a repository or folder.

  2. On the Repositories menu, point to Add to Repository and choose Add Multiple.

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Manage Repository Items